the big bang proves god

  1. the Big Bang


“The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model of the early development of the universe.

The most commonly held view is that the universe was once a gravitational singularity, which expanded extremely rapidly from its hot and dense state.

However, while this expansion is well-modeled by the Big Bang theory, the origins of the singularity remain as one of the unsolved problems in physics.”

  - Wollack, Edward J. (10 December 2010).

"Cosmology: The Study of the Universe".
Universe 101: Big Bang Theory. NASA. Retrieved 27 April 2011

Cosmogony entry, Wikipedia, retrieved 3/31/16

Please peruse the Wikipedia page here for more information about the Big Bang or contact Saint Equipment here to ask a direct question.

The strength of the theory is discussed further below.

— Artist's concept illustrating a Quasar (a massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy, and typically having a starlike image in a telescope)

— Artist's concept illustrating a Quasar (a massive and extremely remote celestial object, emitting exceptionally large amounts of energy, and typically having a starlike image in a telescope)



— Galileo’s celestial ideas were deemed heretical and he lived his final nine years under house arrest. Credit: DeAgostini/Getty

— Galileo’s celestial ideas were deemed heretical and he lived his final nine years under house arrest. Credit: DeAgostini/Getty

If you have doubt, the strength of the Big Bang as a theory is discussed further in the next section; contained here is a consideration of the nature of the scientific method.

The scientific method involves the formulation of a theory and then testing that theory. Uniquely, a theory can never be proven, only falsified. So to ask whether a theory is “true” or “correct” is to ask the wrong question, one that cannot be answered. A theory becomes the dominant explanation when it is clearly explains the observed phenomenon better than any other theory.

Theories can be refined or superseded. The theory that the Earth was the center of the Universe was superseded when observation demonstrated that some of the observed lights in the night sky were planets in our Solar System all of which circled the Sun while the other lights were stars, were not in our Solar System and did not circle the Sun.

We now know that most of the stars we can observe with our naked eye are in the Milky Way Galaxy and with advanced observational tools like the Hubble Telescope, we know that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable Universe.




The theory is strong. It

“[O]ffers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), large scale structure and Hubble's law (the farther away galaxies are, the faster they are moving away from Earth)”.

- The “Big Bang” Wikipedia Entry , retrieved 04/05/2019

Aspects will be updated or refined as time goes on and observational tools are improved but all of the laws of physics indicate all of the observable universe came from a single explosion of unimaginable strength, likely a gravitational singularity.

The congruence of the theory with the observed phenomenon have all but extinguished any competing points of view about the nature and origin of the Universe, including all existence and reality as we know it.

That being said, while I can’t imagine the theory being found to be outright incorrect, theories such as multiple universes or the multiverse envision possibilities for theories that would drastically expand but ultimately subsume and incorporate the theory rather than overturn it.

— Edwin Hubble, Namesake of the Hubble Orbiting Telescope

— Edwin Hubble, Namesake of the Hubble Orbiting Telescope


4. an unexpected gift

— Lawrence Krauss, pictured at a January press conference in Washington, D.C

— Lawrence Krauss, pictured at a January press conference in Washington, D.C


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